
About Me
I'm Goh Kai Li, you can call me Kylie.
Hi there! I am an interior architecture designer, freelancer with experienced and has a head that full with ideas. I love that designer's work moves in the tension between communication, strategy and creativity. I fully understand the importance of details in designing a project. Creating value always motivates me, people with holistic ambitions are my idols, and I get inspired by working in multidisciplinary teams with innovative and fun people. I love to learn from others.
Strength & Skills
Here are some of these things I am really good at
My Strengths
Space Planning
For me, I think space planning in a design always come first. It is important to create a space with good planning. Hence, I like to spend time on space planning, explore human needs, and create the best form. Sketching on the paper, playing around with idea.
Conceptual Design & Creative Idea
Ideas are found in all shadows. New ideas, crooked ideas, fix ideas. The good idea is the one that makes sense for both people and client. Sometimes it comes in the shower. A clear concept drives innovation and can act as the engine for a whole communication effort.
Team Working
I enjoy working with creative people and learning from them. Working in a good team always motivates me to become a better self. When there are problem in a group, I will always feel free to asking for opinion. Team work is always the thing that taught us how to communicate with other.
My Skills
Technical Skill
Autocad, 3ds Max, Sketch Up, Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro Cut, Microsoft Office are the software that I work really well with. They are mainly the software that allow me to express my idea and make the work done.
Personal Skill
As a designer, I am good in communicate with others especially when work in a group. Always have an open mind to learn new thing and I believe it help to boost my creative thinking. For me, independent is very important in doing something, it helps me become a fast learner. Last but not least, problem solving is one of my skill when it comes to design and life.
Language Skill
I can speak fluently in five language which is english, malay, mandarin, hokkien and cantonese.
Working Experiences
During these years
August 2017 -
December 2017
Interior Designer Industrial Training
From the working experience, I have learnt a lot on how a design project goes. Site measuring and analyzing before a project started is an important step. Having consultant meeting with client also one of the thing that I learnt from intern. For the design part, I have involve in residential and commercial project which required 2D & visual drawings. I also in charge with the company magazine design.
December 2017 -
November 2018
Commercial Freelance Job
During the project, I learnt about all the rules and laws that need to be follow while designing a shop that located inside a shopping mall. From communicate with client and contractor, design progress and site inspection, the whole project took a year to hand over. For this project, I have done a lot of research to confirm everything goes well. For further information, please look at the PROJECTS section.
January 2019 -
January 2020
Residential Freelance Job
This is a residential design project which located at Eco Sanctuary World Semi Detached House. I realized the importance of communicating and understanding client's mind. From this project, I learnt to be independent when dealing with every problems. Client budget is also an important point for a residential project. This project will not be shown due to protect the privacy of owner.
During these years
2016 - Present
Member of Malaysian Institution of Interior Designer
Always a part of MIID and involve with MIID competition in 2018 and 2019.
2016 - Present
Member of IAD Club
A member of First City University College Interior Architecture Design Club and
actively involve in the activities and event that organize by Fcuc IAD.
Dean List
Dean list of Diploma in Interior Design in Year 2017
2017 - 2019
Partcipate in MIID Reka Competition 2017 & 2019
This is a concise description of your previous work experience and the responsibilities you had. The most effective Portfolios give a clear snapshot of where you’re coming from and where you’re going in a way that’s easy for readers to scan and absorb quickly.